Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hold My Hand

Heb. 11: 8 - 'By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.'

In the infallible words of Oswald Chambers:

‘faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One Who is leading. It is a life of Faith, not of intellect and reason, but a life of knowing Who makes us "go." The root of faith is the knowledge of a Person, and one of the biggest snares is the idea that God is sure to lead us to success.’

Can this also be said of you? Are you more concerned about how your life will turn out versus a concentrated focus on the One leading you? This is a struggle for many Christians, especially those who are overly sensitive to potential dangers and uncertainties that come with 'Risk-taking.'  What's amazing to me is when we were sinners, we risked our lives with drugs, alcohol, illicit sex, and that we're in God's kingdom, our approach is with caution and self - preservation.

Can we have confidence and faith like Abraham? He simply listened to the voice of God and never read of Abraham asking God probing questions because he wasn't sure about what God was doing. He simply obeyed. The question isn't where are you going, it should be, 'Who are you going to be Christ?' and, 'Will you allow God to change you and lead you?'

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