Sunday, September 13, 2015

Powerful Weekend in Christ

Matt. 11: 12 - 'From the days of John the Baptist til now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.
What a time we had this weekend! We were so blessed to have the Killeen TX Church come and help us with an impact team and concert! It's such a blessing to have the Mother Church come and labor with us; their investment was not in vain. We were blessed to see 30 decisions for Christ! Actually, this was our first concert since our major remodeling project - and it was incredibly fruitful!

This should be the norm, when it comes to the church and God's people; we should always be on the move for the Kingdom of God! The church is a Movement, not a Monument!!

We enjoyed the music and drama with 4 new visitors from the outreach earlier that day! God was all over that place, and the altar call had drawn sinners to repentance.

2nd Cor. 5: 11 - 'Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are well known to God, and I trust we are well known in your consciences.

A church moving in God's direction is on the cutting edge for Jesus! If you're not on the edge for Christ, then you're taking up too much space!!