Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ode to Excellence

1st Cor. 15: 58 - 'Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable,always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord'

Ever been on a diet? What is a diet? In essence, a diet is simply the restriction of food portions in order to lose weight. You hear things like 'Fad diets' - for the most part, diets rarely bring success that people are looking for.  There is a main reason for this, IT'S A DIET - NOT A LIFESTYLE...

Your frustration comes because you are seeking long-term results using a short-term method. You cannot go on a diet, shed pounds, and expect to keep it off by going back to your old ways...this truth cannot escape the Kingdom of God!

You cannot serve God like you're on a diet! If your lifestyle choices do not change, you'll never 'shed' the weight!  Unfortunately, there are a lot of backsliders out there who came into the Kingdom with a diet mentality.  Think with me for a moment...

You've spent years becoming an idiot, and now you expect God to come in and transform your character and personality overnight...this simply isn't true. While forgiveness of sin is instantaneous...transformation is NOT. This is the difference between Justification and other words, I'm not saved...I'M BEING SAVED!  Salvation isn't an Event, it's my entire saved life!!

Ps. 47: 4 - 'He will choose our inheritance for us, the excellence of Jacob whom He loves. Selah'

In reference to's not what you do - it's how many times you do it! Being consistent is at the center of other words - you can't simply perform an excellent deed once, and expect people to respect and label you an excellent person...there must be a proven track record...this takes time!

Luke 2: 36 - 38 speaks of Anna, being in the temple for 84 years...this is a picture of excellence because of the consistency and longevity in her spiritual decisions for God. What is to be said about you? Have you gone into the Kingdom with a diet mentality, only to be frustrated because the results weren't as fast as you'd you quit!?!

Matt. 24: 13 - 'Those who endure to the end, the same shall be saved'

God is challenging you and I to be excellent...this takes prayer, faith, and persistence in the Holy Spirit!