We as believers in Christ must understand that God is bigger than our opinion and emotions. He must be at the center of all we do. I shudder to think of how many Christians out there serve the Lord with stipulations and boundaries; especially since there weren't any boundaries concerning His love and sacrifice for us.
Romans 5: 8 - '...Christ demonstrated His love for us in while we were still sinners, He loved us...'
What a powerful scripture and a powerful statement. I've learned over the years that I serve the God of Promises, not the God of explanations. Make your call and election sure, the bible says. It's in His good will to do what He pleases with our lives in order to manifest His glory...why do we struggle with this? Many of us have a, 'Well what's in it for me...', mentality; this robs us of witnessing first hand, God's glory manifested in our lives.
I guess all I'm saying is, let God be God and allow Him to take control of your life. I'm here in the Chandler Bible Conference and one of the preachers made an interesting comment during his message: 'Since when did we ever have to define the word, 'All?' This is so true, yet, there are people in the Kingdom of God still seeking an explanation.
When God told us to forsake all, He meant, All...without hesitation or contractual agreement...simple obedience and reckless abandon. The disciples did it before us and turned the world upside down, can we do any less?
- Pastor LaMont Melrose